King Kenny Dalglish has been sacked. It is always very sad when a legend has to depart the scene in that manner. I suppose that one would argue that the American owners of the club took a leaf from General Electric's former CEO, Jack Welch, who in his relentless path to success argued that a good leader had to have edge: the ability to see reality and the courage to act on it.
The results have not been good enough. The players have not delivered, especially the new crop, with the exception of Suarez. The selection for the FA Cup final was disappointing and, therefore, objectively speaking the decision is probably correct.
But! This is no way to treat one of our greatest ever players and servant. If Wall Street CEOs could still earn their bonuses after what they did to the world's economy, surely King Kenny could have been sent back upstairs if keeping him in the coaching framework was going to be awkward? With his quick wit and charming personality, he could travel the world in the role of ambassador and help sell more replica shirts, work with kids in countries far and wide and all sorts of PR activities. I mean, our greatest rivals Manchester United still use Bobby Charlton in tv ads!
Yes, sport is a business but we are the fans and we never forget our legends because the power of the brand comes from their guts, sweat and commitment to the badge. Liverpool became an attractive investment to the owners because, in major part, Kenny Dalglish and our other legends made it so on the pitch. Long live the King! You will never walk alone!
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