Sunday, 6 May 2012

So, I have just got back home from a short evening at Le Petit Cochon where we watched the result of the French Presidential poll with local Frenchies, which as expected gave the victory to Francois Hollande whose ex wife actually lost an election to Sarkozy. I must say, though, that I was surprised that the local French voted 72% for Sarkozy because I have never met a French person who voted for him before! All my mates, except one have always declared voting to the left.
As they French say, though, to each their own taste and this is an example of democracy at work. I would wish the same for the majority of African countries. The ability to say, I do not agree with you as sitting President and I wish to replace you by another without being labeled an enemy of the state. I remember being fascinated how Gordon Brown literally drove without an escort to go and present his "resignation" to his Queen after losing to Cameron of the Tories. The next day, some official arrived at his house to fetch the official car!

As has been said before "the ears of the leader must ring with the voices of the people." Francois Hollande has his work cut out for him but this is not the point. The point is, he is allowed to argue his point and convince the electorate enough to allow him to put his ideas in to action. And if he fails? The people will speak once more!

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