Friday, 11 May 2012

There is an interesting debate raging in the US on the subject of same sex marriage following Barack Obama's "evolved" position on the subject. Obama declared "I've concluded that for me, personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married." This has, of course prompted debate within my circles. For the avoidance of doubt, here is my position. I grew up with many prejudices and with the benefit of travel and education, I have developed a more broadminded and tolerant worldview. As a high school teacher, for instance, I quickly evolved in to recognising how some students were simply naturally gay and not following some western or unAfrican fad as some put it. In fact, one of my students went to become a well known radio personality and his sexual orientation was later "confirmed" (in this context) when he became embroiled in a sex scandal by Zimbabwe's conservative standards. Later on as President of the Alliance Francaise of Bulawayo for several years, I met a lot more gay people who were open about their orientation because they came from foreign countries and did not need to hide in the closet, certainly not within our circles. Being gay is natural and not something that needs to be cured and gay people have the exact same needs that non gay people have which include the need to be treated equally in whatever institution is available to everyone else in a society. This includes the institution of marriage. The only reason the subject is a "tender and sensitive" one as Romney put it the other day is because people have had entrenched positions for such a long time but have we not had such positions before? Think upon the following:

  • it was once fact that the earth was the centre of the universe and everything revolved around it
  • thousands upon thousands of women were burnt at the stake in early modern Europe between 1300 and 1800 simply because it was a "fact" that they were "witches"
  • thousands of gays are persecuted today because it is a "fact" that is unAfrican!
It is ridiculous to deny what is before your very eyes, refusing to accept it because your worldview cannot absorb the reality of what is going on. As for those who object on religious grounds, remember that some of you would probably have been burnt as "witches" in 1300 or denounced as heretics and burned in the next round of burning in the "holy fire" for daring to suggest that the Earth actually revolved around the sun and not the other way round. By all means keep your faith but do not let it be a stumbling block against everyone else and certainly not with regard to equal rights and justice. The days of the baying mob, fully convinced of their righteousness, belongs to the dark ages. To each their own beliefs and the law for us all!

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